Requirements for drilling a borehole in Kenya

All the Requirements for drilling a borehole in Kenya

In order to drill a borehole in Kenya, the following are required:

1. Hydrogeological survey

This is done to determine the underground water potential. A hydrogeology survey report will give an estimate of the drilling depth, site location and the nature of rock and soil formation which will assist in determining casing materials and the cost of drilling. This survey must be done with an independent, qualified and registered hydrogeologist. The cost of hydrogeological survey in Kenya ranges between Kes. 95,000 to Kes. 110,000 depending on the location.

2. WRA (Water Resource Authority) Permit.

Water Resource Authority is state cooperation that regulates use of all water resources. They issue borehole drilling license and authorize drilling once the hydrogeologist report is ready. For you to be licensed by the WRMA, an application needs to be done online or physically visit their offices located across the country. WRA gives authorization licenses which is a green light to drill a borehole. They then issue a water permit that gives you permission to access the water resources as much as you want.

3. NEMA (National Environment Management Authority) Permit

This assesses the effect of drilling on the environment. The report gives both positive and negative impacts on the environment incase drilling is done. If the project will not have negative impacts that may be hazardous to the environment, then a green light permit is given by them

Once all the above are met, drilling will proceed.

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